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Language: Spanish 

Capital: Buenos Aires

Area: 2,780,400 km2

Population: 43,417,000 (2015)

Currency: Peso (ARS)

Religion: Catholicism (74%), protestant (8%), other (3%)

Geographical situation: in the southern half of South America. Sharing the bulk of the Southern Cone with its neighbor Chile to the west, the country is also bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast, Uruguay and the South Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Drake Passage to the south.


International treaty membership:

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Language: Spanish

Capital: Montevideo

Area: 176,215 km2

Population: 3,427,000 (2016)

Currency: Uruguayan peso (UYU)

Religions: Catholicism (57%),

Geographical situation: in the southeastern region of South America. It borders Argentina to its west and Brazil to its north and east, with the Río de la Plata (River of Silver) to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast.


International treaty membership:

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Language: Spanish

Capital: Asuncion

Area: 406,752 km2

Population: 6,783,272 (2015)

Currency: Guarani (PYG)

Religion: Roman Catholicism (90%), evangelical Protestant( 6%)

Geographical situation: is a landlocked country in central South America, bordered by Argentina to the south and southwest, Brazil to the east and northeast, and Bolivia to the northwest.


International treaty membership:

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Language: Spanish

Capital: La Paz. ( admn capital), Sucre ( constitutional capital).

Area: 1,098,581 km2

Population: 11,410,651 (2015)

Currency: Boliviano (BOB)

Religion: Roman Catholics (78%), protestant (19%), other (3%).

Geographical situation: is a landlocked country located in western-central South America. It is bordered to the north and east by Brazil, to the southeast by Paraguay, to the south by Argentina, to the southwest by Chile, and to the northwest by Peru.


International treaty membership:

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Language: Portuguese

Capital: Brazilia

Area: 8,515,767 km2

Population: 207,350,000 (2017)

Currency: Real (BRL)

Religion: Roman Catholicism (64%), Protestantism (22%), other religion (3%)

Geographical situation: Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of 7,491 kilometers. It borders all other South American countries except Ecuador and Chile and covers 47.3% of the continent's land area.



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Language: Spanish

Capital: Quito

Area: 283,560 km2

Population: 16,144,000 (2015)

Currency: United state dollar (USD)

Religion: Roman Catholics (74%), protestant (11%)

Geographical situation: in northwestern South America, bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.


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Language: Spanish

Capital: Bogota

Area: 1,141,748 km2

Population: 49,210,124 (2017)

Currency: Peso (COP)

Religion: Roman Catholics (70%), protestant (16%)

Geographical situation: In Central America. Colombia shares a border to the northwest with Panama, to the east with Venezuela and Brazil and to the south with Ecuador and Peru. It shares its maritime limits with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.



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Language: Spanish

Capital: Panama City

Area: 74,177.3 km2

Population: 4,058,374 (2016)

Currency: United state dollar (USD), Balboa (PAB)

Religion: Roman Catholics (70%), Protestant (15%)

Geographical situation: It is bordered by Costa Rica to the west, Colombia (in South America) to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south.


International treaty membership:

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Language: Spanish

Capital: San Jose

Area: 51,100 km2

Population: 4,586,353 (2011)

Currency: Costa Rican colon (CRC)

Religions: Roman Catholicism

Geographical situation: is a country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Caribbean Sea to the east, and Ecuador to the south of Cocos Island.


International treaty membership:

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歷經六年運作,截至 106   05   15  日依勞動部官網統計資料,合計裁決委員會共受理 331件裁決申請案,
作出構成不當勞動行為裁決決定者合計103 件,構成率為31.11% [1]有勞團批評裁決制度審理期間過於冗長,



我國採二元化救濟體系,涉及工會法第 35 條第2 項規定所生爭議事件,歸屬民事法院管轄,但涉及工會法第 35 條第 1 項及團體協約法第 6 條第 1 項之裁決決定處分書不服者,則屬行政法院管轄。

最高行政法院 101 年判字第 711 號判決肯認之,其在判決中表示:「再參照勞資爭議處理法第 39 條第 1 項、第 48 條第 1 項立法理由,足知事業雇主違反工會法第 35 條第 1 項所定之『解僱、降調或減薪』之不利待遇者,勞資爭議處理法係將之定性為具『私法關係』之不當勞動行為,勞工對之如有不服,即屬因工會法第 35 條第 2 項規定所生之『涉及私權之民事爭議』,勞工即得依該法第 39 條規定向裁決委員會申請裁決,如一方於不服裁決委員會所為之裁決決定,則應以他方為被告,向普通法院提起民事訴訟,以資救濟。」


[1] 勞動部網站資料統計


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