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一、    前言



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一、    前言


二、    可延長專利權期間之標的


三、    專利權期間延長之申請


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Cross-border succession and the new European succession regulation


Last August 17th, 2015 anew piece of legislation has come into force, the European Succession Legislation (also called Brussels IV), and it will affect member states of the EU. However, this does not only affect EU citizens, but also anyone who has assets or those who are habitually resident in any European Union member states at the time of their death, except the UK, Ireland and Denmark, three countries which opted not to be signatories of this legislation.


When the testator owns assets in different countries or jurisdictions, it is important to prevent costly disputes which can significantly reduce the size of the estate and consider all his assets in different jurisdictions, so that the will can cover all contingencies.


This Regulation intends to simplify international inheritance cases and mainly addresses issues regarding cross-border succession and which law is applied to that succession, allowing citizens to efficiently plan and organise their will in advance in a cross-border context.


The law of the state where the deceased dies habitually resident will apply to succession matters, regardless of whether it is one of the countries who signed the legislation or not, unless the deceased was manifestly more connected with a Brussels IV state.


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Limitations to Testamentary Freedom in different countries


Testamentary freedom allows owners in deciding how to distribute his estate. Nevertheless, there are some limits to it. A common class of restriction isthe mandatory portion for spouses and children: the forced heirship. According to this concept, a certain number of heirs, called forced heirs, have a legal right to obtain a certain share of the estate. Therefore, the decedent cannot freely dispose of his will. The right to a forced a share is present in almost all modern succession law systems, but regulation is not the same in all of them.


UNITED STATES. The law of inheritance in the USA is 50 laws of inheritance, one of each of the 50 states. Most of US jurisdictions have very limited protection for children and spouses compared with many civil law jurisdictions. Louisiana is the only state which has forced heirship in the civil law sense of the term. Nevertheless, many states of the USA provide protections for surviving spouses (except Georgia), but they have very limited or no effective inheritance protection for descendants.

ENGLAND. Until 1938, when the Parliament enacted the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act, 1938, there were no legal limitations on freedom of testation in England. Nowadays there is still no forced heirship provision whereby a testator must leave part of his assents for his family and depends. However, the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents Act) 1975provides that if reasonable financial provision is not made for certain specified persons under a testator’s will, those persons (including spouse and children) can bring a claim against the state.

PANAMA. The Civil Code of the Republic of Panama allows substantial freedom to dispose of assets, as long as a pension or provision is provided for children (age up to 25), parents, spouse and handicapped children, but only if and for the time they need this support. It shall be considered necessary if they do not have enough assets.

FRANCE. The starting point in French law is the heir’s right to the “réservehéréditaire”, a minimum share of a decedent’s estate to which heirs are entitled. It does not only just limit transfers at death, but also applies to transfers made during life. Therefore, lifetime gifts will be taken into account at the time of death in calculating the heir’s reserved portions. The amount of this share depends on the existence – and number – of descendants and spouses.

SPAIN. With the exception of Navarre, Spanish Civil Code provides people closely related to the testator a part of the estate, called “la legítima”. Children are entitled to receive 2/3 of the estate. On the other hand, the testator can freely dispose of the other 1/3. Also, the surviving spouse must receive a usufruct of at least a 1/3 part of the will and lifetime gifts will also be taken into account at the time of calculating heir’s portions.

GERMANY. Issue of the deceases, spouse and/or parents (if the deceased was not survived by issue) can claim a forced share (“pflichtteil”) if the testator did not include them in his will. Nevertheless, the decedent is still free to designate any person as heir, but these privileged people are entitled to demand half of what they would have inherited in an intestate situation.

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3. 就專利權期限而言,台灣專利法第114條規定:「新型專利權期限,自申請日起算十年屆滿。」

4. 就專利要件而言,台灣專利法第120條准用第22條(產業利用性、新穎性、進步性)及第23條(擬制喪失新穎性)。因此,台灣新型的專利要件與發明相同。

5. 就權利穩定性而言,由於台灣新型並無實質審查,且專利要件的要求與發明等高,相對而言因舉發成立而被撤銷專利權的機會也較高,其權利的穩定性較差。

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  1. 就保護標的而言,台灣專利法第104條規定:「新型,指利用自然法則之技術思想,對物品之形狀、構造或組合之創作。」


  2. 就審查形式而言,台灣專利法第113條規定:「申請專利之新型,經形式審查認無不予專利之情事者,應予專利,並應將申請專利範圍及圖式公告之。」因此,台灣新型採用「形式審查」,而形式審查的內容另於專利法第112條中規定,包含有是否文件齊備、適格性、是否妨害公序良俗、說明書撰寫格式、單一性及技術揭露是否清楚等。


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一、    概念

二、    相關法律規定(專利法第37條): 


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