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目前分類:工作證|移民 (5)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Australian Partner Visa (Subclasses 801) Summary

澳洲配偶簽證 (Subclasses 801) 概要

  • What is a Partner Visa?
  • How can I apply for a Partner Visa through a ‘de-facto relationship’?

Partner visa is a type of visa that allows the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen to live in Australia. This category of migration permits married partners (example opposite-sex spouses) and de facto partners (including those in a same-sex relationship) of Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and eligible New Zealand citizens to enter and remain permanently in Australia.  Partners who meet the legal criteria will be granted a subclass 820 temporary visa followed by a Subclass 801 (partner) residence visa provided that you are still in the relationship with your Australian partner two (2) years after first applying for the subclass 820 visa.


配偶簽證是一種簽證允許澳大利亞公民, 永久居民, 紐西蘭公民之配偶或實質同居之配偶可以享有在澳洲永久居住權的權利。這個移民類別允許澳洲公民, 永久居民, 紐西蘭公民之結婚伴侶 (例如不同性別伴侶) 和同居伴侶 (包含同性伴侶) 可以享有澳洲居留權。其伴侶只要符合其法律標準,就可以獲得Subclasses 820 的短暫簽證,並在獲得Subclasses 820之後與其澳洲伴侶實質上住滿兩(2)年以上, 便會獲得 Subclass 801 之永久居留簽證。

To satisfy that there is a ‘de-facto relationship’,[1] a person must be the de facto partner of another person (whether of the same sex or a different sex) if they are not in a married relationship[2] and they have a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others; and the relationship between them is genuine and continuing that they live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis. 



2.0 Application

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眾律國際法律事務所 專利工程師暨法務專員林春宏


美國柏克萊加州大學 分子生物學士

美國柏克萊加州大學 資訊管理 碩士

加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 法律博士





移民法: 加拿大經驗類移民


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To be eligible to apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class, an applicant must satisfy the following requirements:


1.       Plan to live outside the province of Quebec.  (If an applicant intends to live in Quebec, he or she should apply under the Quebec Immigration Program.)

2.       Must be either

(A)  a temporary foreign worker holding a valid work permit with at least two years of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada  OR

(B)  a foreign graduate from a Canadian university or qualified post-secondary institution with at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada.

3.       Have gained his or her experience in Canada with the proper work permit and / or study permit.

4.       Apply for immigration while working in Canada or within one year of leaving his or her job in Canada

5.       Include the results of an independent language test (from one of the designated testing agencies such as IELTS and TEF) showing that the applicant has satisfied the minimum language requirements with his or her application.


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加拿大聯邦政府有移民法的管轄權。 然而,基於聯邦政府和省級政府之間的協議,省級政府可以透過“省提名移民方案” (Provincial Nominees Program) 提名想移民的人。另外, 聯邦政府也提供並管理各種的聯邦移民方案。


目前,加拿大的移民方案包括以下的 7 種方案:


1.      技術工人和專業人員(聯邦方案)Skilled workers and professionals (Federal Program)

2.      魁北克省技術工人 Quebec-selected skilled workers (適合有興趣在魁北克省工作和定居的人) 

3.      加拿大經驗類移民 Canadian Experience Class(有最近在加拿大的工作經驗,或已畢業,並於最近在加拿大工作)

4.      省提名 Provincial nominees(加拿大各省或地區的提名人, 適合想到特定省份定居和工作者)

5.      親屬移民 Family Sponsorship (加拿大公民或永久居民,可以贊助某些家庭成員移民)

6.      住家看護 Live-in caregivers(對於那些有資格提供在私人家中照顧兒童,老人或殘疾人士者)

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The Federal Government of Canada has jurisdiction over immigration law in Canada. However, based on the agreements between the Federal Government and Provincial Governments, the Provincial Governments have been given the power to nominate potential immigrants via the “Provincial Nominees Program.”  The Federal Government also administers various immigration programs.


Currently, the Canadian immigrations programs include the following:

1.       Skilled workers and professionals (Federal Program)

2.       Quebec-selected skilled workers (for people who are interested in working and settling in the province of Quebec.)

3.       Canadian Experience Class (for individuals who have recent work experience in Canada or have graduated and recently worked in Canada.

4.       Provincial nominees (The Canadian provinces or territories can nominate people to settle and work there)

5.       Family Sponsorship (Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor certain family members for immigration)

6.      Live-in caregivers (for those who are qualified to provide care for children, elderly people or people with disabilities in private homes without supervision)

7.      Refugees (for people who fear returning to their home country)

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