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目前分類:商務仲裁 (4)

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  • 未約定仲裁機關條款在台灣的效力

當事人若於仲裁協議中指定特定之仲裁機構協助或管理仲裁程序之進行,屬於「機構仲裁」,若當事人未約定仲裁之辦理機關、仲裁程序之進行方式,則為「非機構仲裁」。按聯合國國際貿易法委員會國際商事仲裁示範法(UNCITRAL Model Law)第2條規定:「在本法中:(a)仲裁是指無論是否由常設仲裁機構進行的任何仲裁」。應可認為,國際上大多承認仲裁包括機構仲裁與非機構仲裁。


實務上就未定仲裁機關條款之仲裁協議的效力,最高法院103 年度台抗236號裁定指出:「如未約定仲裁人及其選定方法,或逕約定特定自然人或其他方式指定自然人為仲裁人,即依同法第九條第一項至第三項規定選定,或由該特定之自然人或依該方式指定之自然人組成仲裁庭,依約定之程序進行仲裁,作成仲裁判斷,此為非機構仲裁(ad hoc arbitration),二者皆為我國仲裁法所承認之仲裁,此觀同法第九條第四項反面解釋、第十三條第一項等規定益明。」



  • 結論



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  • 背景

2013 1月,菲律賓指控中國在南海主張的「九段線」、聲稱其擁有南海島嶼及人工島權利,違反了《聯合國海洋法公約》,因此向常設仲裁法院提起仲裁。同年7月,根據《聯合國海洋法公約》,中菲南中國海仲裁案的仲裁庭成立,並 2013 7 11 日在海牙和平宮召開第一次仲裁庭會議。本起仲裁案涉及南中國海之領土與經濟海域的權利歸屬問題,因此頗受國際關注。若不同國家間的私人主體透過仲裁協議採行仲裁方式解決紛爭,則可能產生不同國家間之法律對於仲裁協議之要件、效力認定有不同規定之情形,以下以台灣私人主體與韓國私人主體間約定仲裁協議,並在產生紛爭時提付仲裁可能遭遇的問題為例,試說明之。


  • 案例



  • 韓國仲裁法與國際商事仲裁示範法

1966 年生效,並於19992006參考國際商事仲裁示範法(UNCITRAL Model Law)規定大幅修正,內容大致上與國際商事仲裁示範法之規定相同,主要不同之處如下:

1.    得適用韓國仲裁法案件種類並不限於商務紛爭,尚包含所有私法上爭議。(參韓國仲裁法第3條第一項)

2.    當事人可對仲裁庭專家之指派表示反對意見(參韓國仲裁法第27條第三項)

3.    韓國仲裁法並未納入國際商事仲裁示範法第34條第4項之規定,該項規定允許法院於當事人提出撤銷仲裁判斷時,暫時停止撤銷程序,使仲裁庭有機會重新進行仲裁程序或進行消除撤銷之理由的行動。

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International arbitration


The expansion and globalisation of cross-border business has led to increasingly high and complex commercial relationships between business, investors and states. Inevitably, some of those relationships break down and parties need to consider how to resolve their disputes. Apart from attempting to resolve the matter by themselves through negotiations or any different form of alternative dispute resolution method, such as mediation, the two options international parties have generally are (i) litigation before the courts of a specific country, or (ii) international arbitration.

Before the inception and development of arbitration, litigation was the only formal of resolving disputes when two or more interests are in disagreement. Arbitration is al alternative dispute resolution conducted before an impartial tribunal, which emanates from the agreement of the parties, but which is regulated and enforced by the state.

Arbitration can be, either entered into when the dispute arises, or it can also be included as a clause in a commercial agreement (a contract) stating that, in case of disagreement, matters arising between the parties will be referred to arbitration.

“International” arbitration refers to the resolution of cross-border transaction disputes. According to the United National Commission on International Trade Law, an arbitration is international if:

  1. The parties to an agreement to conciliate have, at the time of the conclusion of that agreement, their places of business in different States; or
  2. The State in which parties have their places of business is different from either: i) the State in which substantial part of the obligations of the commercial relationship is to be performed; or (ii) the State with which the subject matter of the dispute is most closely connected.

The main characteristics of arbitration, which differentiates it from court proceedings are:

  • Party Autonomy. Plays the most fundamental and predominant principle in international arbitration. This particular relevance of party autonomy becomes obvious when considering the fact that any arbitration requires the consent of the parties. In addition, parties are able to choose such important elements as the applicable law, language and venue of the arbitration.
  • The freedom to choose the arbitrator(s) and the laws governing the arbitration. It is also a direct consequence from the party of autonomy principle.  Nevertheless, the parties’ freedom to choose their arbitrators is not without limits: the arbitrations must be independent and impartial by all means, which makes arbitration a neutral procedure.
  • Confidentiality of the proceedings. Apart from certain fields of law in which individual interests are considered higher than public interests, state courts proceedings are usually held in public due to transparency. In contrast to that, many arbitration proceedings are kept confidential. This confidentiality can protect the parties’ reputation in certain cases and prevents sensitive information to be disclosed to the public or competitors.
  • No appellate level. It is one of the most striking features in contrast to state court proceedings. However, there are a few rules of arbitral institutions who provide appellate level (the American Arbitration Association or the Israeli Institute of Commercial Arbitration), but these are exceptional cases.




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20180813國際投資法上關於徵收之定義_工作區域 1.jpg





  然徵收之意義如何,甚麼情況下又構成徵收,此為本文所欲介紹之處。從徵收方式得大致區分「直接徵收」(Direct Expropriation)與「間接徵收」(indirect Expropriation)以下分別介紹之。

二、直接徵收(Direct Expropriation)[2]


三、間接徵收(indirect Expropriation)[4]



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