Australian Partner Visa (Subclasses 801) Summary
澳洲配偶簽證 (Subclasses 801) 概要
- What is a Partner Visa?
- How can I apply for a Partner Visa through a ‘de-facto relationship’?
Partner visa is a type of visa that allows the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen to live in Australia. This category of migration permits married partners (example opposite-sex spouses) and de facto partners (including those in a same-sex relationship) of Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and eligible New Zealand citizens to enter and remain permanently in Australia. Partners who meet the legal criteria will be granted a subclass 820 temporary visa followed by a Subclass 801 (partner) residence visa provided that you are still in the relationship with your Australian partner two (2) years after first applying for the subclass 820 visa.
配偶簽證是一種簽證允許澳大利亞公民, 永久居民, 紐西蘭公民之配偶或實質同居之配偶可以享有在澳洲永久居住權的權利。這個移民類別允許澳洲公民, 永久居民, 紐西蘭公民之結婚伴侶 (例如不同性別伴侶) 和同居伴侶 (包含同性伴侶) 可以享有澳洲居留權。其伴侶只要符合其法律標準,就可以獲得Subclasses 820 的短暫簽證,並在獲得Subclasses 820之後與其澳洲伴侶實質上住滿兩(2)年以上, 便會獲得 Subclass 801 之永久居留簽證。
To satisfy that there is a ‘de-facto relationship’,[1] a person must be the de facto partner of another person (whether of the same sex or a different sex) if they are not in a married relationship[2] and they have a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others; and the relationship between them is genuine and continuing that they live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis.
2.0 Application
The following is the application steps for applying a Partner visa inside or outside Australia. The temporary Partner visa (subclass 820) is the first stage towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 801). You must be in Australia when you apply and also when this visa is decided.
以下是申請在澳洲跟海外申請配偶簽證的程序。短暫簽證 (subclass 820) 是拿到永久居留證(subclass 801)的第一個申請階段。你必須在澳洲政府排到要處理的簽證申請的時候,人待在澳洲。
Applying from outside Australia
Step 1: Subclass 300-Prosepctive Marriage (temporary) – you plan to marry your Australian fiancé(e).
Step 2: Subclass 820-Partner (temporary) – travel to Australia; then marry your Australian partner while the subclass 300 visa is valid; and then make an application (in Australia) to stay in Australia.
Step 3: Subclass 801 – Partner (residence) – you are still in the relationship with your Australian partner 2 years after first applying for the subclass 820 visa.
Step 1: Subclass 309-Partner (provisional) – are legally married; or intend to legally marry in the near future and prior to migration; or have been in a de facto relationship for at least the entire 12 months prior to the date of application.
Step 2: Subclass 100-Partner (migrant) – you are still in the relationship with your Australian partner 2 years after first applying for the subclass 309 visa.
第一階段: Subclass 300-預期婚期(短暫簽證)-你跟未婚妻結婚的計畫。
第二階段: Subclass 820-伴侶(短暫簽證)-並在還持有subclass 300 簽證時,從國外飛來澳洲並跟澳洲伴侶結婚; 並且在澳洲申請其永久居留簽證。
第三階段: Subclass 801 –伴侶(永久居留)- 2年過後你還是跟你的澳洲伴侶持續穩定交往的狀態, 並且先前已有申請Subclass 820 簽證。
第一階段: Subclass 309-伴侶(臨時簽證)-法律夫妻; 或在不久將來在移民澳洲前合法結婚; 或在申請前之過去的12月中以上有實際的同居關係。
第二階段: Subclass 100-伴侶(移民者)- 2年過後你還是跟你的澳洲伴侶持續穩定交往的狀態, 並且先前已有申請Subclass 309 簽證。
Applying from inside Australia
Step 1: Subclass 820 – Partner (temporary) – you and your Australian partner are legally married; or have been in a de facto relationship for at least the entire 12 months prior to the date of application.
Step 2: Subclass 801 – Partner (residence) – you are still in the relationship with your Australian partner 2 years after first applying for the subclass 820 visa.
第一階段: Subclass 820-伴侶(短暫簽證)-你跟你澳洲的伴侶是合法結婚;或在提出申請之前已經有實質同居超過12個月以上。
第二階段: Subclass 801-伴侶(居留簽證)-2年過後你還是跟你的澳洲伴侶持續穩定交往的狀態, 並且先前已有申請Subclass 820 簽證。
How to apply?
The 2 main application forms relating to partner migration are:
• form 47SP Application for migration to Australia by a partner; and
• form 40SP Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia.
• 47SP申請移民到澳洲的伴侶; 和
• 40SP 申請讓伴侶移民到澳洲。
Form 47SP serves as an application for both the temporary and permanent Partner visas and, similarly, form 40SP serves as a sponsorship application for these visas. Therefore, after you have been granted a temporary Partner visa, you do not need to lodge another form 47SP in order for consideration of your permanent visa to occur. At time of this consideration, however, the department may request you to obtain another completed form 40SP from your sponsor.
47SP申請書同時包含臨時和永久簽證申請, 同時40SP申請書同時有包含擔保簽證申請。所以當你達到臨時伴侶簽證時,你不需要再申請另一個47SP申請書。但是還是有可能澳洲政府會請你的伴侶再提出另一個填好的40SP申請書。
If you are a Prospective Marriage visa applicant, you also use the form 47SP and form 40SP. If you and your fiancé(e) marry before a decision is made on your visa application, you should notify the department and your application will then be changed to that of a Partner visa for notification requirements. However, if you have been granted a Prospective Marriage visa, enter Australia and then marry your fiancé(e) while your visa is still valid, you will need to lodge another form 47SP and form 40SP in order to be considered an applicant for a Partner visa.
After you apply for your visa-The department will:
• receipt and acknowledge your application;
• assign you a case officer;
• consider your application;
• arrange to interview you and/or your partner (where necessary);
• check the information that you provide and, if necessary, ask for more information; and
• notify you in writing of the decision (and reasons if a refusal).
• 確定收到並確認你的申請;
• 分配一個審查官;
• 審查你的簽證申請;
• 如果需要會安排採訪你和/或你的伴侶;
• 檢查你所提供的信息,如果有需要,會跟你要求提供更多信息; 並且
• 把該項申請以書面通知您並如果拒絕,會提供相關理由.
Duration of relationship
The longer the relationship exists, in whatever form, the greater the implication can be drawn. The statutes in force in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Western Australia all impose a minimum duration of two years as a precondition to making an order unless there have been substantial contributions or a child of the partners.