所長法學博士 范國華律師 Dr. Kuo-Hua Fan
中國政法大學 法學博士 PhD, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)
加州大學柏克萊分校 法學碩士 LLM-IP & Business, University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
國立台灣大學法律系 財經法組學士 Bachelor, Economics & Financial Law, National Taiwan University
所長 范國華博士 獲世界商標評論(WTR)列為2021年1000大人物
慶祝所長 范國華博士,列為2021受推薦之個人!
法學博士 范國華所長,曾任技嘉科技(Gigabyte)法務與智權法務長達十餘年。世界商標評論(World Trademark Review, WTR)指出,范所長在智慧財產有關跨國國際商標事務上有訣竅,特別有關於權利申請註冊(Prosecution)、權利執行(Enforcement)方面。
2021 WTR says: Kuo-Hua Fan is formerly the chief legal officer for legal and IP matters at Gigabyte Technology. He has a knack for handling transnational trademark matters, be it in prosecution, enforcement.
Dr. Kuo-Hua Fan , founder and managing lawyer of Zoomlaw Attorneys at Law, is granted with both ‘Enforcement and Litigation’ and ‘Prosecution and Strategy’ in the 2021 edition of WTR 1000 as renown figure.
Zoomlaw helps clients to register and protect their trademarks across 150 countries. Dr. Kuo-Hua Fan draws on a background in environmental science and law to lead the IP boutique with a unique perspective and creative strategies.
With decades of successful experience on Global Legal Cultivation, Dr. Fan is leading Zoomlaw Attorneys at Law as a full range service law firm in Taiwan.
一、全球 2020年末報喜 眾律助知名台商商標國際布局獲果!
二、英國 眾律布局! 英國脫歐尚未著陸 客戶3個月取得英國商標