這些編碼的全名是Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data,簡稱INID Code。INID Code 是世界智慧財產權組織(World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO)為了方便各種不同語文之間的專利資訊可以互通,而設計出來的代碼。透過INID Code,即使不諳他國語文,也可輕易判斷代碼後的專利資訊所代表的意義。
INID Code 共有8個系列,主要是依據首位數字來做分類,請參考下表:
INID Code |
分類 |
簡介 |
(10) |
Identification of the patent, SPC (註[1]) or patent document |
專利、補充保護證書或專利文件中供識別的項目 |
(20) |
Data concerning the application for a patent or SPC |
專利或補充保護證書中與申請資料有關的項目 |
(30) |
Data relating to priority under the Paris Convention or the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) |
與國際優先權有關的項目 |
(40) |
Date(s) of making available to the public |
與公開日期有關的項目 |
(50) |
Technical information |
技術資訊 |
(60) |
References to other legally or procedurally related domestic or previously domestic patent documents including unpublished applications therefor |
與法律或國內專利程序相關的項目 |
(70) |
Identification of parties concerned with the patent or SPC |
與人相關的項目 |
(80)(90) |
Identification of data related to International Conventions other than the Paris Convention, and to legislation with respect to SPCs |
與巴黎公約或補充保護證書法規相關的項目 |
另外,本文簡單列出常見的INID Code以及其所代表的意義,如下表(詳細的資料可以參考WIPO STANDARD ST.9 (註[2])):
INID Code |
敘述 |
中文 |
(21) |
Number(s) assigned to the application(s) |
申請案號 |
(22) |
Date(s) of filing the application(s) |
申請日 |
(31) |
Number(s) assigned to priority application(s) |
優先權申請案號 |
(32) |
Date(s) of filing of priority application(s) |
優先權申請日 |
(45) |
Date of making available to the public by printing or similar process of a patent document on which grant has taken place on or before the said date |
公告日 |
(51) |
International Patent Classification or, in the case of a design patent, as referred to in subparagraph 4(c) of this Recommendation, International Classification for Industrial Designs |
國際專利分類號 |
(54) |
Title of the invention |
專利名稱 |
(57) |
Abstract or claim |
摘要或申請專利範圍 |
(71) |
Name(s) of applicant(s) |
申請人 |
(72) |
Name(s) of inventor(s) if known to be such |
發明人 |
(74) |
Name(s) of attorney(s) or agent(s) |
專利代理人 |
關鍵字;INID Code、代碼、專利公報
[1] Supplementary protection Certificate, SPC
[2] WIPO STANDARD ST.9, RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA ON AND RELATING TO PATENTS AND SPCS, Revision adopted by the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) at its third session on April 19, 2013
[1] 經濟部智慧財產局
[2] World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO