澳大利亞最高院捨150年默示授權 納專利權利耗盡原則
11月中,澳大利亞最高法院作出判決,對再造物利用之專利侵權案件最終以4:3多數推翻150年的默示授權(Implied License)原則,接受權利耗盡(Exhaustion of Right)之解釋。此判決回應了澳大利亞專利產品經由銷售進入市場後,與專利權之間的關係。
澳大利亞公司Calidad從馬來西亞Ninester進口了填充後的回收墨水匣並進行銷售。不過,馬來西亞公司Ninestar Image係從客戶購回二手的Epson空墨水匣,並且重新填充後為重複使用。Calidad因而遭Epson控告侵害其兩件專利AU 2009233643及AU 2013219239[1]。
所謂默示授權,系指在銷售專利產品同時,專利權人也同時授權購買者特定條件下利用專利權;不過,專利權人是可以限制默示授權範圍與內容的。澳大利亞默示授權原則引用自英國樞密院(Privy Council)於1911年的專利侵權判決National Phonograph Co of Australia Ltd v Menck[3]。
本案多數意見進一步說明,如今「期望對第一次合法銷售之後仍在市場上流通之產品施以限制(Impose restrictions),或許過於理論化而不實際。即使這種限制可以被消費者接受,也會受到現代法規與為競爭法等限制[4]。」法院態度認為,如今默示授權機制較為複雜且過時。
一、被控專利侵權之抗辯類型 專利侵權抗辯
三、有專利權也無可奈何? 發明專利權之效力不及
[1] Calidad Pty Ltd v Seiko Epson Corporation [2020] HCA 41.
[2] Id, paragraph 69. ( When all of Ninestar's modifications to each of the categories of cartridges were completed what remained were the original Epson cartridges with some modifications which enabled their re-use…manufacture or construction of a cartridge which embodied the features of the patent claim.)
[3] National Phonograph Co of Australia Ltd v Menck [1911] 12 CLR 15 (Privy Council)
[4] Supra note 2, paragraph 77. (The prospect that restrictions might be imposed on the further use or sale of a patented product after its first sale may be more theoretical than real now. Even if such restrictions were acceptable to consumers, they would face the hurdle of modern statutes concerned with anti-competitive conduct in the market.)
[5] Australian High Court overturns 150 years of precedent to adopt exhaustion of rights doctrine for patented products https://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2020/12/australian-high-court-overturns-160.html (Latest viewed: 2020/12/29).