微信分類用正方小圖_工作區域 1

描述系爭專利(Method For Updating Alarm Limits)

  1. 這是一個修正警報值的方法,當製造程序的變數,比如溫度、壓力和流率超過預先設定的幅度後,警鈴就會響,該方法包含三個步驟:
  2. 第一步只測量在程序中變數的值。
  3. 第二步使用公式以計算更新的警告極限值。
  4. 第三步用更新後的值以取代目前的警告極限值。
  5. 和傳統的修正警報值方法的差異在於第二步驟,就是使用數學公式。


  • A method for updating the value of at least one alarm limit on at least one process variable involved in a process comprising the catalytic chemical conversion of hydrocarbons(限定觸媒反應用途)wherein said alarm limit has a current value of Bo + K
  • wherein Bo is the current alarm base and K is a predetermined alarm offset which comprises:
  1. Determining the present value of said process variable, said present value being defined as PVL;
  2. Determining a new alarm base B1, using the following equation: B1 = Bo(1.0--F) + PVL(F), where F is a predetermined number greater than zero and less than 1.0;
  3. Determining an updated alarm limit which is defined as B1+K; and thereafter
  4. Adjusting said alarm limit to said updated alarm limit value.
  • 由上述的權利項內容,主張的權利只是單純的公式。


  1. USPTO認為數學公式是申請案和先前技術相比的唯一新穎性,並以申請標的不符合101條而駁回申請案。
  2. 美國專利上訴與衝突委員會維持裁判。
  3. CCPA上訴法院推翻原判決,主張申請案只針對觸媒催化的領域,並沒有獨佔整個公式的所有應用,因此並認為可以授予專利。
  4. 美國專利上訴與衝突委員會提出調卷申請,並認為上訴法院的判決會傷害計算機軟體產業。
  5. 最高法院推翻上訴法院的判決,而且並不認為可獲得專利權(we held that the discovery of a novel and useful mathematical formula may not be patented.)


  1. Benson引證案所claim的範圍是完全占據所有數學公式,但是上訴人所主張的「更新警告值的方法」,只限定在碳氫化合物於觸媒轉換的程序。
  2. 法院認為限定用途的解決方式並不代表預先占據整個公式的應用。


  1. 該申請案的公式涵蓋的範圍廣到包含未來的所有應用(The claims cover a broad range of potential uses of the method. They do not cover every conceivable application of the formula)
  2. CCPA的決定,將會削弱(debilitating effect)目前快速發展的軟體產業(因為技術被預先占據),而且這代表以後會有數以千計相似的公式申請案,會造成USPTO的負擔。


  1. 主張該方法是屬於「程序」,因此符合第101條所保護的標的內(new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter)
  2. He does not seek to “wholly preempt the mathematical formula,” since there are uses of his  formula outside the petrochemical and oil- refining industries that remain in the public domain.(只限定在石化業,還有很多發揮的空間)
  3. He argues that the presence of specific "post-solution" activity--the adjustment of the alarm limit to the figure computed according to the formula--distinguishes this case from Benson and makes his process patentable .


  1. 是否像這種具有事後解決應用的公式可以被專利?(Whether the post-solution applications of such a formula makes respondent's method eligible for patent protection.)
  2. 像這種唯一的新穎性為數學公式的申請案如果通過,是否代表其它類似的慣用方法也可以通過?(The question is whether the discovery of this feature makes an otherwise conventional method eligible for patent protection.)


  1. 該專利申請案的主旨,不是解釋如何選擇安全的邊界值,也不是用在監控製程的變數,它提供的只有,用來計算更新警告值得公式(All that it provides is a formula for computing an updated alarm limit)
  2. The holding that the discovery of that method could not be patented as a "process“.
  3. The line between a patentable "process" and an unpatentable "principle" is not always clear. Both are "conception of the mind, seen only by their effects when being executed or performed."
  4. Benson applied the established rule that a law of nature cannot be the subject of a patent.
  5. 各種事後解決行為( post-solution activity),都可以使一個不可專利的原理變成一個可專利的程序。(that post-solution activity can transform an unpatentable principle into a patentable process)
  6. 有經驗的專利代理人可以向幾乎任何數學公式增加一些後續步驟,從而使申請案最終獲得專利。
  7. A competent draftsman could attach some form of post-solution activity to almost any mathematical formula.
  8. 如果照專利權人的說法,就會連三角定律(C2=A2+B2)也可以被專利,因為專利申請案最終都可以包含一個步驟,顯示出該公式可以用於現有的測量技術。
  9. The concept of patentable subject matter under §101 is not "like a nose of wax which may be turned and twisted in any direction.
  10. 因為程序包含自然法則和數學公式,所以是不可被專利的。
  11. If there is to be invention from such a discovery, it must come from the application of the law of nature to a new and useful end. (必須應用自然法則於新又有用的用途)

引證案(O'Reilly v. Morse )

  1. 在該案中,最高法院駁回了Samuel Morse過於寬泛的申請。
  2. Samuel Morse申請電磁在遠距離情況下,打印可理解的信號、字符或字母,因此他試圖對於電磁的任何使用都獲得專利權。
  3. Morse電磁振動原理不可以專利,因為沒有據以實施性也沒有教示社會大眾。

引證案(Neilson v. Harford)

  1. 在該案中最高法院回顧了英國的Neilson v. Harford一案,該案涉及在爐體中進行熱空氣循環以增強效力的問題。
  2. 英國法院拒絕授予該申請以專利權,因為不能給予一項基本原理以專利權,這基本原理僅表現為「向爐體中註入熱空氣比注入冷空氣更能增加爐子的溫度」。
  3. 最高法院認為,如果原理或數學公式是公知的情況下,應當適用在Neilson v. Harford 等先例中的觀點。因此,對於數學公式的獨占性的申請,自然不能獲得專利權。
  4. We think the case must be considered as if the principle being well known, the plaintiff had first invented a mode of applying it.
  5. 該原理是大家都知道的,只是原告第一個提出應用的方式


  1. Respondent‘s process is unpatentable under §101, not because it contains a mathematical algorithm as one component, but because once that algorithm is assumed to be within the prior art, considered as a whole, contains no patentable invention.(審查整份專利,發現並沒有可以專利的發明)
  2. The rule that the discovery of a law of nature cannot be patented rests, not on the notion that natural phenomena are not processes.
  3. 上訴人錯誤性的假設that if a process application implements a principle in some specific fashion, it automatically falls within the patentable subject matter of §  101 .
  4. This assumption is based on respondent‘s narrow reading of Benson(狹義的解讀Benson), and is as untenable(站不住腳) in the context of §  101.
  5. 使用數學公式的申請案是否可專利,並不是簡單地看權利要求是否獨占這一數學公式,而應該看權利要求是否指向新且有用的方法,這與申請案中是否包含數學公式沒有關聯
  6. Conversely, the discovery of such a phenomenon cannot support a patent unless there is some other inventive concept in its application.
  7. 使用數學公式的申請案是否可專利,並不是簡單地看權利要求是否獨占這一數學公式,而應該看權利要求是否指向新且有用的方法,這與申請案中是否包含數學公式沒有關聯
  8. Conversely, the discovery of such a phenomenon cannot support a patent unless there is some other inventive concept in its application.
  9. 使用數學公式的申請案是否可專利,並不是簡單地看權利要求是否獨占這一數學公式,而應該看權利要求是否指向新且有用的方法,這與申請案中是否包含數學公式沒有關聯
  10. Conversely, the discovery of such a phenomenon cannot support a patent unless there is some other inventive concept in its application.
  11. Here it is absolutely clear that respondent's application contains no claim of patentable invention.
  12. 如果權利項和計算方式相關,即使解決方法用在特殊之目的,該方法依然不適格。
  13. 由於本申請案除了數學公式之外,並沒有其他新穎和非顯而易見的發明點,因此本申請案是不可專利的。
  14. 此外,由於有用性可以通過事後解決行為加以補充,審查員在審查專利時不應當被後續活動所左右,而應當看到申請案的實質指向是否為數學公式本身
  15. 最後最高法院推翻上訴法院的判決,並不認為可以獲得專利。


  1. 根據Bilski案,如果專利標的,沒有限定在特定裝置,也沒有物質狀態的轉換,就不能被專利。(work on 有體物而且有useful result就可以被專利)
  2. 本次報告的Fook案的權利項(演繹法)沒有限定在特定裝置,如最告法院法官所說的,該專利申請案只有計算警告值的公式,沒有claim一個有體物。
  3. 而且自然法則用文字或公式表達都是不能專利,就像阿基米德不能專利它的浮力原理,因為這是科學的基礎工具。
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