公寓大廈管理條例之刑罰規定 / 律師 吳英志 總編輯法學博士范國華主持律師
有下列行為之一者,由直轄市、縣 (市) 主管機關處新臺幣四萬元以上二十萬元以下罰鍰,並得令其限期改善或履行義務;屆期不改善或不履行者,得連續處罰:
Under one of the following circumstances, the competent authority of the special municipality or county/city may impose a fine no less than NT$40,000 but no more than NT$200,000 and also order the offender to make the correction or fulfill the obligation or duty within a given period. Those failing to make the correction or fulfillment within the period given may be fined repeatedly.
1. When a unit owner uses his or her unit in violation of Article 5.
2. When an inhabitant violates the regulation of the restrictions on the usage changes of condominium units set forth in Paragraph 1, Article 8 or Paragraph 2, Article 9 and refuses to comply after being requested to stop the unlawful conduct.
3. When an inhabitant violates Paragraph 1, Article 15 by changing the purposes of use of an individual unit or a designated private area.
4. When an inhabitant violates Paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 16;
5. When an inhabitant fails to fulfill the obligation of taking out liability insurance as set forth in Article 17.
6. When a unit owner fails to pay the common fund contributions as set forth in Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1, Article 18.
7. When the manager, or the chairperson or members of the management committee fail to fulfill the obligation of posting announcements or handing over documents as specified in Article 20.
8. When the builder or construction company violates the regulation of Article 57 or 58.
When death occurs as a result of the commercial activity conducted in a unit provided by an inhabitant found to have the conduct described in Subparagraph 3 or 4 of the preceding paragraph, a prison term no less than 1 year but no more than 7 years as well as a fine no less than NT$1,000,000 but no more than NT$5,000,000 may be imposed. If critical injuries occur as a result of the aforesaid practice, a prison term no less than 6 months but no more than 5 years as well as a fine no less than NT$500,000 but no more than NT$2,500.000 may be imposed.
The inhabitants shall use their individual units and designated private areas according to the purposes indicated on the usage license and the condominium regulations. No unauthorized changes may be made.
住戶不得於私設通路、防火間隔、防火巷弄、開放空間、退縮空地、樓梯間、共同走廊、防空避難設備等處所堆置雜物、設置柵欄、門扇或營業使用,或違規設置廣告物或私設路障及停車位侵占巷道妨礙出入。但開放空間及退縮空地,在直轄市、縣 (市) 政府核准範圍內,得依規約或區分所有權人會議決議供營業使用;防空避難設備,得為原核准範圍之使用;其兼作停車空間使用者,得依法供公共收費停車使用。
The inhabitants may not store miscellaneous objects, install gratings or doors, or run commercial operations, or illegally put up advertising signs, or privately set up blockades or parking spaces that obstruct passage in private passages, firebreaks, fire escape alleys, open space for the public, empty recesses, stair landings, common hallways or air raid shelters. However, open space for the public and empty recesses may be used for commercial purposes according to the condominium regulations or the decision of the unit owner assembly as long as the operations are within the businesses approved by the special municipality or county/city government. Air raid shelters may be used for purposes originally approved; those concurrently serve as parking spaces may be used for pay parking according to the law.
Without the permission of the competent building authority, the inhabitants may not damage or alter the main structure of the building when maintaining, repairing, remodeling or conducting similar work.
Inhabitants with pets may not hinder public sanitation, peace or safety.