Dr. Kuo-Hua Fan
Author, World Trademark Review International Correspondence
PhD, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)
LLM-IP & Business, University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
Bachelor, Economics & Financial Law, National Taiwan University
Zoomlaw introduce you ‘Understanding the legal system and how to seek remedies for trademark-related issues in Taiwan’ now, on World Trademark Review (WTR). When it comes to filing a lawsuit or applying for arbitration in trademark cases in Taiwan, brand owners may be unsure as to how best to proceed. Fortunately, experts have provided clarity on the multiple pathways to enforcing rights in the country.
Dr. Kuo-Hua Fan, founder of Zoomlaw, exclusively, is the International Correspondent of WTR on Taiwanese Trademark Issues since 2020. For international business, it’s always important to secure rights among jurisdictions in a timely manner; nevertheless, each jurisdiction pertains distinctive barrier for new entrants.
With expertise in the field of Trademark as well as business law, Zoomlaw provides Trademark Registration and Protection Service around the Globe. For our clients, Zoomlaw maintains more than 800 foreign legal firm in collaboration, covering over 180 jurisdictions. We will continue updates.
Read the Complete Article: https://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/understanding-the-legal-system-and-method-of-seeking-remedies-trademark-related-issues-in-taiwan
For more information or specific interest, please contact: info@zoomlaw.net
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眾律國際法律事務所Medium (Zoomlaw Business&IP Achor) https://medium.com/@zoomlawbusinessip