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  至於中國專利申請案的修正時機,主要可以區分為兩個大類。第一大類如中國專利法實施細則第51條第1款所述,「發明專利申請人在提出實質審查請求時以及在收到國務院專利行政部門發出的發明專利申請進入實質審查階段通知書之日起的3 個月內,可以對發明專利申請主動提出修改」。




專利專案經理 蕭錫裕



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足跡遍佈全球的眾律,今日韓國Hanbyol專利法律事務所Kay Kim, Patent Attorney  來訪本所,討論台灣、韓國專利制度與國際專利趨勢,會後互換台韓點心




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Bilateral Investment Treaties Concluded by Taiwan


A Bilateral investment treaty (BIT) is an agreement between two countries that sets up the rules for foreign investment in each other’s countries, providing companies and individuals with special rights and legal protections when they invest in a foreign country. Therefore, in order to address foreign investors’ concerns and promote investing, many countries have entered intro bilateral treaties for the protection of investment. When two countries enter into a BIT, both agree to provide protections for the other country’s foreign investors that they would not otherwise have, reducing many of the risks associated with foreign investment. It provides major benefits to foreign investors, including fair and equitable treatment. A key protection offered by the majority of bilateral investment treaties is to allow international arbitration in the event of an investment dispute, rather than to force foreign investors to sue the host-State in its own courts. In this context, BITs are typically created to promote investment in the host State.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reaches the following 23 bilateral investment agreements in force concluded by the Republic of China with the following contracting states:



Contracting State

Date of signature

Date of entry into force


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Rules of intestacy in Spain(II)


As mentioned before, Spain’s succession law operates a system of forced heirship, which means that certain percentage of the deceased’s assets in Spain must be transferred to people closely related to the deceased. Only through disinheritance the testator can deprive a forced heir of the property that would otherwise receive under the Spanish law of succession.

According to the Spanish Civil Code, it is possible to disinherit a child, and it is regulated by article 848 and following of the code.

Nevertheless, in order to disinherit, exclude someone to the inheritance, some legal requirements are met and it is mandatory that the testator performs the disinheritance through a will, which must also include a valid legal ground on which it is founded.

Bellow are the grounds to disinherit in the Civil Code:


  1. Specific reasons to disinherit descendants:

1. Children and descendants that have refused, without a legitimate reason, to support the parent or ascendant who disinherits him, and

2. Those who have mistreated the deceased in deed or seriously insulted him in speech.

3. The descendant who is sentenced in court for an attempt to take the life of the testator, his spouse, descendants or ascendants.

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International Investment Treaty Arbitration


It was once a basic principle of international law that just a State could assert a claim against a different State when breaching its obligations to the first State’s nationals. However, the number of international treaty arbitration cases has grown dramatically in the past years, where foreign investors (individuals or legal entities) can claim against the “host States” where the investments where made. It is a very important factor in economic development, since it facilitates access to world markets, to worldwide distribution channels and other networks and it is a consequence from the phenomenon of globalization.

A country’s foreign investment climate is determined by the legal framework of foreign investment, which include, among others, stability of the legal conditions under an investor operates, the transparency of the system of local regulation and an effective system of dispute settlement. This last factor, an effective system of dispute settlement, is a particularly important one when it comes to legal protection of foreign investments.

In absence of other arrangements, a dispute between a foreign investor and a host State will usually be settled by the host State’s domestic courts. This fact is not an attractive option from the investor’s perspective for the following reasons: a) rightly or wrongly, the courts of the host State are not seen as sufficiently impartial in this kind of situations and b) the regular courts can often lack of the technical expertise required to solve complex international investment disputes.

Therefore, today direct arbitration between the host State and the foreign investor is the preferred option for this kind of disputes, and foreign investments enjoy international legal protection through a large number of investment treaties. There is as yet no single comprehensive treaty for the legal protection. Instead, there is a network of treaties which applies between two countries or among a number or countries.

In this context, Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) are international agreements between countries that provide companies and individuals with special rights and legal protections when they invest in a foreign country (the host State). BIT’s set out the terms and conditions for investment in one country by private companies and individuals of another country and are typically created to promote investment in the host State.

Investment treaties adopt an essentially private mode of adjudication dispute and that can make it a very similar figure to commercial arbitration, since both involve a claim by a private party before a tribunal of private arbitrators. However, notwithstanding the similarities, it would be a mistake to confuse both types of arbitration. Commercial arbitration originates an agreement between private parties to arbitrate disputes between both in a particular manner. The authority derives from the autonomy of every individual to chose and organize their own private affairs. On the other hand, investment arbitration originates in the authority of the state to use adjudication to solve disputes arising from the exercise of public authority. It is constituted by a sovereign act, as opposed to a private act.



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Rules of intestacy in Spain


If Spanish law applies, in the event of being no will, when the will is null and void or has subsequently become invalid, legal intestate succession regime applies. For most of Spain, the law can be found in the Spanish Civil Code (1889), but some of the Autonomous Communities (six out of seventeen) have their own private law.

The Spanish Civil Code therefore establishes the general law, and articles 930 and follows establish a list of beneficiaries, identifying three categories of heirs: relatives (descendants, ascendants and collaterals), the surviving spouse and the State, and they are arranged in hierarchy of classes, which is summarized below: 

  1. Descending direct line.
  2. Ascending direct line.
  3. Spouse.
  4. Collateral relatives
  5. The State.  

Under the principle of proximity of degree, the closest relatives exclude remote relatives (for example, a child excludes a grandchild and a parent excludes a grandparent), with the exception of the right of representation, in virtue of which the descendants of a predeceasing heir occupy that heir’s position. Also, relatives within the same degree inherit equally.

  1. The primary claim to inherit lies with the direct descendants, without any distinctions resulting from gender, age or filiation of the deceased, with no limitation of degree, but subject to a usufruct of 1/3 of the estate to the surviving spouse (if any). Children inherit the whole estate in equal shares and in their own right, but grandchildren and other descendants can only inherit by representation, taking the share which would have fallen to a predeceasing parent.
  2. In the absence of children and descendants of the deceased, his ascendants shall inherit, subject only to a usufruct of half of the estate in favour of surviving spouse. Father and mother shall inherit in equal shares, and in the event that only one of the parents survives, the surviving one shall inherit the whole estate from his child. In the absence of parents, the ascendants closest in degree will succeed. There is no limit of degree in the ascending line, nor is there representation in this case.
  3. When the deceased passes away without ascendants or descendants, the spouse inherits all of the deceased’s property. To be heir as a spouse, it is necessary to have been still married at the time of the death, this way a claim on intestacy is defeated by nullity, divorce and separation, whether judicial or de facto.
  4. In the absence of all of the above mentioned, the intestate estate passes to collateral relatives, beginning with siblings, who inherit equally, but also with the children of a predeceasing sibling taking the place of their parent.  
  5. Finally, and in absence of descendants, ascendants, spouse or siblings, the deceased’s estate passes to the State, or in the case of Autonomous Communities with civil competence in this matter, to those Communities.





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在「WTO與貿易有關的智慧財產權協定」(WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property, TRIPS) 出現以前,國際間對於是否以制定刑罰條款以保障智慧財產權,保持沉默。兩個重要的智慧財產權協定「巴黎公約」(the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, Paris Convention) 與「伯恩公約」(Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works),均未強制會員國制定刑罰條款,將此視為各會員國的自主決定事項,尊重各該會員國內法的決定[1]

自我國決定加入「環太平洋戰略經濟夥伴協定」(Trans Pacific Partnership, TPP) 後,各界即開始好奇,TPP究竟會對我國法制造成何種衝擊,本文擬簡要介紹TPP的相關內容,以利我國企業針對未來的區域變動做出可能的預測與回應。



        TPP的前身,來自新加坡、智利、紐西蘭與汶萊簽訂的跨太平洋經濟戰略夥伴協定 (P-4)P-4 是第一個連結太平洋、拉丁美洲與亞洲的跨境自由貿易協定,其成立之初即要求幾乎百分之百的貨品貿易自由化,但並未包括投資與金融服務兩大類。P-4的目標不在於獲得彼此間更優惠的市場進入,而是為將來的亞太自貿區協定,提供可能的參考範本。在美國加入後,以P-4為基礎擴張的TPP,方才開始吸引全球的目光[2]

        自日本加入起,至今TPP共有十二國參與談判,佔了全球GDP 38%、貿易量25%,儼然形成份量極重、足以影響下一代全球貿易規則的「鉅型區域貿易協定」(mega-regional trade agreement)[3]



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為了因應全球化的趨勢,對於大多數企業而言,邁向國際市場為生存之道。相較於TPPRCEP 係以貨物貿易自由化為主要目標,未來還會分段進行投資、服務貿易、經濟技術合作、競爭政策、爭端解決以及智慧財產權等談判。



RCEP 的主要成員是以東協10國加上日本、中國、韓國、印度、澳洲、紐西蘭等六國,共計16個國家所構成,形成區域全面經濟夥伴關係 (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, 簡稱 RCEP)RCEP成員國總人口約占全世界一半(34億人)GDP約占全世界三成(20兆美元)RCEP倡議實現後,其經濟規模將占全球年生產總值31.35%,達到23兆美元[1],是更近一步的自由貿易協定 (FTA)RCEP主要是以區域經濟一體化進行合作,成員國間相互開放市場、建立一個削減關稅及非關稅壁壘的自由貿易協定。其主要用意在於調和各成員國原產地規則和海關措施,並實行漸進式的服務貿易開放,同時在投資便捷化方面仍以准入後的國民待遇為主。目前RCEP20135月正式談判後所成立之貿易談判委員會 (Trade Negotiation Committee, TNC),包含貨品、服務、投資、競爭政策、經濟與技術合作、法律及制度、以及智慧財產權議題等8個工作小組[2]





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Types of wills in Spain


In accordance to Spanish Civil Code, Spanish wills may be common or special. The special ones are: military will maritime will and the will made in a foreign country. The common ones are: holographic, open and closed will.


Holographic will

A holographic will (testamento ológrafo) must be written entirely in the handwriting of the testator and shall be dated and signed by him or her in every page of the will. It must also be clearly drafted in order to ensure that the testator’s wishes are absolutely clear. No other formalities or witnesses are required.

On the death of the testator, it must be verified as genuine before a judge and the decedent’s handwriting is required to be authenticated by witnesses, who are the decedent’s closest relatives. Once it is verified, the judge will enforce the will’s contents.


Open will

Open will (testamento abierto) is the most common and suitable form of will for most people in Spain and it is a recorder document which contains the testator’s intentions as declared in the presence of a Notary Public.  Before a Notary Public the testator shall express, orally or in writing his last will to him. The Notary may request the presence of two witnesses, who must also be required in case the testator is blind or illiterate.

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