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Forced heirship in Spain 


Firstly, it is important to note that the Spanish Civil Code recognises a quite limited testamentary freedom compared with other countries. Therefore, people closely related to the testator shall always receive a part of the estate, which is called “la legítima”. It is also possible to disinherit a child, but only in the cases explicitly enshrined in the Civil Code (such as denying maintenance, or seriously mistreated or slandered the parent or ancestor, see Articles 853 and 756).

Spain is divided in 17 different Autonomous Communities, and some of them have their local inheritance regulations. However, the following is according to the general Spanish inheritance law contained in the Civil Code.

The beneficiary of the reserved portion is called a forced heir and, according to the Article 807, the deceased’s spouse, descendants and – if there are no descendants – the parents or other ascendants of the deceased are entitled to the reserved portion.  The spouse is not entitled to receive the property of the estate, but the usufruct. This way, the spouse has the exclusive right to use the property until his/her death.

In general terms, when the testator is survived by his children and spouse, the estate shall be divided in three shares:


  1. One third of the estate must be distributed in equal parts among the testator’s children.
  2. One third must go to the children and grandchildren of the deceased, but he can decide whether to distribute it in equal or non-equal parts, or only give it to some of the heirs, or just to one of them. The testator’s widow or widower has the right to receive at least a usufruct of this portion of the estate (but it is very common in testamentary dispositions to include more than this portion).
  3. The last third part can be disposed freely by the testator.



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The Lifting of the Corporate Veil Doctrine in Spain


The most frequently used business entities in Spain are the Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada) and Join Stock Company (Sociedad Anónima). In both cases, the liability is generally limited to the amount of the capital stock contributed by each of them.

Nevertheless, in exceptional cases, liability shall be sought from the shareholders in order to protect the interest of other third parties. Along with the provisions of the Corporate Enterprises Act, which is the basic legal text that regulates the different legal forms of capital companies envisaged in Spain, there is an important body of case law in the field of Corporate Law. In this context, in those exceptional circumstances where liability may be sought from shareholders to protect third parties, Spanish courts apply the Anglo-Saxon doctrine of “lifting the corporate veil”, as a reaction to misconduct by the shareholders while fraudulently sheltering behind the company’s legal personality.


As is known, under Corporate Law, a corporation is specifically referred to as a legal person, subject of rights, duties and capable of being part of contracts, owning real property and having the ability to sue and be sued. Generally, when forming a company, it offers limited liability to its shareholders, like in the case of the Spanish Limited Liability and Join Stock Company, which means that a shareholder may only lose what he has contributed as shares to the entity, and nothing more, since a registered company is a separate legal entity distinct from its shareholders, and therefore, it shall be treated as any other person with its own responsibility.


The case of Salomon V. Salomon & Co (U.K. 1897) is the foundational case and precedence for this doctrine of corporate personality.

Facts of the case: Mr Aaron Salomon was a British leader merchant who had a boot manufacturing business which he decided to incorporate into a private limited company. By 1892, Mr Salomon decided to incorporate his business as a Limited Liability Company, Salomon & Co. At that time, the legal requirement for incorporation was that at least seven persons had to subscribe as shareholders, so he designated his wife, daughter and four sons as shareholders. Two of the sons became directors and Mr Salomon himself was managing director. Mr Salomon owned 20,001 (of one pound each) shares of the 20,007 (the remaining six where shared individually between his family). Mr Salomon sold his business to the new corporation for almost 39,000 pounds, of which 10,000 was a debt to him. Thus, he was the company’s principal shareholder and creditor simultaneously.

When the company went into liquidation, the liquidator argued that the debentures used by Mr Salomon as security for the debt were invalid on the grounds of fraud, and the Judge accepted this argument, ruling that since Mr Salomon had created this company solely to transfer his business, the company was in reality his agent and he as principal was liable for debts to unsecured creditors.

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The Determination of Injury in the WTO Antidumping agreement


Determination of injury consists on determining whether the dumped imports have caused material injury. It shall be based on positive evidence and involve an objective examination of:

  1. the volume of the dumped imports: the authorities investigating shall consider whether there has been a significant increase in dumped imports, either when it comes to absolute terms or relative to production or consumption in the importing country.
  2. the effect of the dumped imports on prices in the domestic market for like products: the investigating authorities shall consider whether there has been a significant price undercutting by the dumped imports in comparison with the price of the like product in the importing country.
  3. the consequent impact of these imports on domestic producers of such products, which shall include an evaluation of all the relevant economic factors and indices, having a bearing on the state of the industry and including actual and potential decline in sales, profits, output, market share, productivity, return on investments, utilization of capacity, factors affecting domestic prices, etc.


Material injury: demonstration

As mentioned above, the determination of material injury must be based on positive evidence and also involve and objective examination of dumped imports. It must be demonstrated that the dumped imports are causing injury within the meaning of the Agreement. The demonstration of a causal relationship shall be based on an examination of all relevant evidence before the authorities, who shall also examine any known factors other than the dumped imports which at the same time are injuring the domestic industry.

With respect to cases where injury is threatened by dumped imports, the application of anti-dumping measures shall be considered and decided with special care.


Definition of domestic industry

The authorities shall identify the domestic industry before addressing the injury issues. In general, in accordance to Article 4:

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Antidumping International Agreements: WTO Antidumping agreement.


Although trade liberalization is the main goal of trade policy, and although antidumping rules are generally considered as restrictive to trade, some regulations still grant Governments power to impose anti-dumping measures when conditions are met. According to the Word Trade Organization (WTO), dumping is “a situation of international price discrimination, where the price of a product when sold in the importing country is less than the price of that product in the market of exporting country”. If it injures the domestic producers in the importing country, authorities may impose antidumping duties to offset the effects of the dumpling, since it is an unfair trade practice which keeps competitors out of a particular market.

International antidumping rules are provided by:

  1. Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1947).
  2. Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 1994 (Antidumping Agreement under the WTO), which was concluded in 1994 as a result of the Uruguay Round.

The WTO Agreement is the successor to the GATT Agreement, but provisions of Article VI are not replaced but it: Article VI is implemented and interpreted by the WTO Agreement. Since 1947 GATT, the rules of international trading system have authorized countries to establish national antidumping statutes and implement antidumping trade restrictions. Under the agreement, a national government shall undertake an investigation and consider substantial economic evidence before it can impose definitive antidumping measures that restricts imports. The investigating authority is instructed to consider different factors when making the decision, but the most important among them are whether two important legal criteria have been met: that a domestic industry suffers material injury, and that this injury is the result of dumped imports.

Taiwan filed an application for a GATT membership status in January 1990. In 1995, when the WTO was established, the application was transformed into the accession application for the WTO membership. Taiwan became the 144th member of the WTO in 2002.


Basic principles of the Antidumping agreement

The Agreement ensures that WTO members will not apply antidumping measures arbitrarily. Antidumping measures are unilateral remedies that the government of the importing country may apply after a throughout investigation has determined that the product is, in fact, being dumped, and that sales of the dumped product are causing material injury to a domestic industry that produces a like product.

WTO members can impose antidumping measures only if, after investigation in accordance with the Agreement, a determination meets the following requirements:

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  在完成解釋申請專利範圍(Claim construction)之後,便可進一步判斷侵權物品是否侵犯專利。首先會比對申請專利範圍與侵權物品,若侵權物品中存在申請專利範圍所描述的各個元件時,便可說侵權物品相較於專利案存在字義侵權(Literal infringement)。

  若侵權物品相較於申請專利範圍不存在字義侵權,則會進一步判斷兩者之間是否存在均等論(Doctrine of Equivalents)下的字義侵權。一般來說判斷兩個元件是否是等效元件,通常會透過功能(Function)、手段(Way)及結果(Result)來判斷,若兩個元件具有相同的功能、採用相同的手段及產生相同的結果,便可適用均等論。

  在討論均等論時,通常還需要一併考慮禁反言(Prosecution history estoppel),所謂禁反言是指申請人在提出專利申請的過程中,為了使得專利申請案與引證案之間有所差異,並有利於專利申請案的核准,對請求項內容所提出的修正,或於答辯理由書中具體聲明放棄的權利範圍。

  Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co.是有關於均等論的重要判例,Hilton Davis是專利權人,就改善純化的製程提出專利申請,在答辯的過程中,由於引證文件提及了操作在PH值約為9.0的相關製程,為此申請人依據引證文件的內容,在請求項中增加了PH值為6.0至9.0的限制,以使得修正後的專利範圍與引證文件有所區隔。

  Warner-Jenkinson是被告,其使用了Hilton Davis申請之專利的純化製程,唯一的差異在於Warner-Jenkinson是操作在PH值為5.0的純化製程。專利權人認為請求項所述的PH值為6.0至9.0應可均等為PH值為5.0,並認為被告侵害其專利權。而被告則主張申請人在申請過程中,為了專利的核准,在專利範圍中增加了PH值為6.0至9.0的限制,因此主張依據禁反言的規定,專利範圍不應該被均等至PH值為5.0。

  陪審團在綜合兩造的意見之後,認為Warner-Jenkinson侵害Hilton Davis的專利權。並認為專利權人雖然為了專利的核准,於專利範圍中增加PH值為6.0至9.0的限制。但依據審查時的引證資料來看,專利權人的修正主要是為了排除了PH值的上限,而非為了排除PH值的下限,因此專利範圍所述的PH值為6.0可均等為PH值5.0,並涵蓋被告產品的PH值為5.0的內容。


專利專案經理 蕭錫裕


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Notion of ‘consumer’ in EU Law


The notion of consumer is a key concept delimiting the application of consumer protection laws. Despite being phrased in different ways, the majority of definitions of ‘consumer’ found in the EU legislation include a common core, for example:




Council Directive 85/577/ECC to protect consumer in respect of contracts negotiated away from business premises

Article 2. For the purpose of this Directive: ‘consumer’ means a natural person who, in transactions covered by this Directive, is acting for purposes which can be regarded as outside his trade or profession.

Directive 98/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer protection in the indication of the prices of products offered to consumers

Article 2(e). Consumer shall mean any natural person who buys a product for purposes that do not fall within the sphere of his commercial or professional activity.

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