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Transfer of ownership of a European Union trademarks


A European Union trademark (EUTR) may be transferred, which means that the ownership of the property of rights of the trademark or the application changes. This way, either the trademark or the application may be transferred from the current proprietor a new one. Transfer may refer to some (partial transfer) or all of the goods or services.



The transfer shall be entered in the Register and published upon request of one of the parties. Registering a transfer is not a condition for its validity, but if not registered by the Office, the entitlement to act remains with the original proprietor. According to article 17.8, all documents which require notification to the proprietor of the trademark shall be addressed to the person registered as a proprietor.  As a consequence, the new proprietor will not receive notifications from the Office, in particular, during inter partes proceedings or the notification of the renewal of the mark.


The transfer involves to aspects: (i) the validity of the transfer between the parties and (ii) the impact of a transfer on proceedings before the Office. This impact will only triggered after the Registration of the transfer.


The following are the different kinds of transfers:

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‘The Panama Papers’ trademark application field


Trademark applications have been field for ‘Panama Papers’, which refers to the term used by the media to describe the massive leak of confidential documents from the Mossack Fonseca law firm in Panama, which reveals and identify international politicians, business leaders and celebrities involved in webs of suspicious financial transactions.


The applications have been filed at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and at the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA). The name of the EUIPO applicant for the term ‘Panama Papers’ is currently not available, but it is already known that the application at the DPMA, for the term “The Panama Papers”, was applied by a company from Munich called Casaaam.


Reini Putscher is the owner of the digital business called Casaam, and also founder of an advertising and creative agency called ‘Die Schöne Agentur’. The marketer from Munich has plans on writing a movie and selling merchandise related to the leak.


The trademark was filed on April 4th, just a day after the first news reports were public and applied in relation to goods and services in classes 9 (electronic publications, software, photographic, cinematographic…), 40 (treatment of materials) and 41(entertainment, publications, education). Casaaam has also applied for the same mark at the EUIPO. On the other hand, the other EUIPO application, whose applicant is still unknown, covers classes 16 (paper, photographs, printed matter), 38 (telecommunications), 40 and 41.


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International arbitration


The expansion and globalisation of cross-border business has led to increasingly high and complex commercial relationships between business, investors and states. Inevitably, some of those relationships break down and parties need to consider how to resolve their disputes. Apart from attempting to resolve the matter by themselves through negotiations or any different form of alternative dispute resolution method, such as mediation, the two options international parties have generally are (i) litigation before the courts of a specific country, or (ii) international arbitration.

Before the inception and development of arbitration, litigation was the only formal of resolving disputes when two or more interests are in disagreement. Arbitration is al alternative dispute resolution conducted before an impartial tribunal, which emanates from the agreement of the parties, but which is regulated and enforced by the state.

Arbitration can be, either entered into when the dispute arises, or it can also be included as a clause in a commercial agreement (a contract) stating that, in case of disagreement, matters arising between the parties will be referred to arbitration.

“International” arbitration refers to the resolution of cross-border transaction disputes. According to the United National Commission on International Trade Law, an arbitration is international if:

  1. The parties to an agreement to conciliate have, at the time of the conclusion of that agreement, their places of business in different States; or
  2. The State in which parties have their places of business is different from either: i) the State in which substantial part of the obligations of the commercial relationship is to be performed; or (ii) the State with which the subject matter of the dispute is most closely connected.

The main characteristics of arbitration, which differentiates it from court proceedings are:

  • Party Autonomy. Plays the most fundamental and predominant principle in international arbitration. This particular relevance of party autonomy becomes obvious when considering the fact that any arbitration requires the consent of the parties. In addition, parties are able to choose such important elements as the applicable law, language and venue of the arbitration.
  • The freedom to choose the arbitrator(s) and the laws governing the arbitration. It is also a direct consequence from the party of autonomy principle.  Nevertheless, the parties’ freedom to choose their arbitrators is not without limits: the arbitrations must be independent and impartial by all means, which makes arbitration a neutral procedure.
  • Confidentiality of the proceedings. Apart from certain fields of law in which individual interests are considered higher than public interests, state courts proceedings are usually held in public due to transparency. In contrast to that, many arbitration proceedings are kept confidential. This confidentiality can protect the parties’ reputation in certain cases and prevents sensitive information to be disclosed to the public or competitors.
  • No appellate level. It is one of the most striking features in contrast to state court proceedings. However, there are a few rules of arbitral institutions who provide appellate level (the American Arbitration Association or the Israeli Institute of Commercial Arbitration), but these are exceptional cases.




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登記制設計專利RCD(Registered Community Design)可向歐洲商標局OHIM(Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market)或是向世界智慧財產組織WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization)提出,但向WIPO申請時須特別指定歐盟。不論是向OHIM還是WIPO提出登記制設計專利申請,最後都會由OHIM進行形式審查








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歐盟的設計專利可以分為登記制設計專利(RCD, registered Community design)與非登記制設計專利(UCD, unregistered Community design)兩種。不論是為產品申請登記制還是非登記制設計專利,在產品的製造、行銷、販賣以及進出口上都可以獲得保護。





3.複合產品(complex product):指由複數個元件所組成的產品,且這些元件允許被拆解以及再組裝成該產品。


除此之外,保護標的必須具備新穎性(Novelty)/或獨特性(individual character) ([2])。新穎性是指該設計必須是從未見過的,在申請日公開日或優先權日之前,不可有任何與該設計相同的設計曾被公開過。獨特性是指產品給人的整體印象必須不同於曾被公開過的設計或產品。


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  此外申請人在選擇其中一個發明內容續行審查的同時,通常亦會提出異議(election with traverse),以保留之後的答辯空間,並使得其他未選擇的發明內容存在回復的可能性。






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  美國專利法第121條(35 U.S.C.§121)為有關於分割申請案的規定,其中具體說明了,若在一件申請案中包括兩個或兩個以上獨立的發明內容時,審查委員會發出限制性選擇(Restriction Requirement),並要求申請人從中選擇其中一個發明內容。至於其他未選擇的發明內容,則可分割申請。



  一般來說,申請人在收到限制性選擇時通常會覺得有點困惑,並會詢問是否可以答辯,以及是否一定要選擇其中一個發明內容等問題。依據MPEP 818的規定,申請人在收到限制性選擇之後,即便對限制性選擇的內容有疑慮,仍應依據審查意見選擇其中一個群組,並可於選擇的同時提出異議(election with traverse)或相關說明。若申請人未針對審查意見選擇其中一個發明內容,則有可能會被視為沒有針對審查意見進行回復,並很有可能在下次的審查意見中直接收到案終局審查意見(final OA)。

  此外只有在申請人有提出異議時,才可保留日後在提出答辯的空間。若申請人於選擇其中一個發明內容時,沒有一併提出異議(without traverse),則其它未被選擇的發明內容日後便只能提出分割申請。

  此外審查委員在發出限制性選擇的審查意見時,亦可能會指出申請案存在一個generic claim。若申請人選擇該generic claim續行審查,則其他被generic claim所包括之未被選擇的請求項,在generic claim具可專利性的前提之下,便可於同一申請案中核准。

  具體來說,若限制性選擇指出claim 1-3、4-6及7-9分屬不同發明,且claim 1為claim 4-6的generic claim。若申請人選擇claim 1-3續行審查,則在claim 1具核准的前景下,claim 4-6便可於同一申請案中核准。為此若申請案存在一個generic claim,則通常會選擇generic claim續行審查,以利於回復其他未被選擇之請求項的可能。



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  (3)先前已針對部分請求項檢索,認定該部分請求項不具新穎性、進步性等要件,其他請求項因申請專利範圍不具發明單一性而未檢索。申請人修正後刪除已檢索之請求項,經續行檢索其他請求項,另發現引證文件而認定不具新穎性、進步性等要件。例如:以引證文件認定請求項1 至3 不具新穎性,請求項4 至6 因申請專利範圍不具發明單一性而未檢索,如後續申請人刪除請求項1 至3,保留請求項4 至6,經續行檢索該等請求項,發現其他引證文件認定不具新穎性、進步性。




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Arbitration and Mediation


Arbitration and mediation are two forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), where “alternative” means alternative to court litigation. In this context, ADR is commonly defined as any process or procedure for resolving a dispute other than adjudication by a judge in a statutory court. They are not the only kind of dispute resolution processes, but they are the most common, specially is arbitration, which is more and more used in many jurisdictions around the world, specially is in an international context. Mediation, on the other hand, is not so practised.

Both arbitration and mediation have the same goal in mind, which is a fair resolution of the issues in question, and they are both private dispute resolution procedures based on party agreement, but they differ in a number of important aspects. As a general idea, under mediation, the parties communicate with a neutral third party who makes a non-binding recommendation, meanwhile under arbitration, both parties commit to conform to the third party recommendation.


Voluntary processes

Most arbitrations take place pursuant to an agreement between the parties. However, it is not voluntary in the sense that once the parties have validly agreed to submit a dispute to arbitration, the process from that point becomes compulsory. Thereafter the determination of all issues, procedural or otherwise, is in the hands of the arbitrator.

On the other hand, mediation is a voluntary process which depends on the continuing cooperation of both parties, who can unilaterally withdraw from the procedure at anytime. Some jurisdictions order compulsory mediation, but no result can be imposed on them without their mutual consent. In this fundamental respect, mediation differs from arbitration.



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