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大陸專利法中的假冒專利 / 專利工程師林孟萱


(一) 虛偽標示
1. 在未被授予專利權的產品或包裝上標示專利標識;
2. 專利權被宣告無效或終止後仍繼續在產品或包裝上標示專利標識;

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專利標示不實的法律責任 / 專利工程師林孟萱



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我國發明專利侵害鑑定之方法(下)專利工程師  /  陳詠容

Ways to examine invention patent infringements in Taiwan (3)

Patent Engineer Yung-Zhong Chen

專利範圍雖無歷史禁反言之適用,惟如被控侵權對象與先前技術相同,或依先前技術所能輕易完成者,為避免專利權人藉由均等論擴張後之範圍,涵蓋與先前技術相同或依先前技術所能輕易完成之部分,造成公眾利益受有損害。被控侵權對象經判斷與某一先前技術相同,或為一先前技術與專利申請時之所屬技術領域中的通常知識之簡單組合,或為二以上先前技術之簡單組合,則得依先前技術阻卻主張不適用均等論。Despite there is no doctrine of prosecution history estoppel, the accused party must not ensnare the prior art, nor to have its prior art to be easily accomplished. This is to avoid the scope of claims expansion beyond their literal language to the true scope of inventor’s contribution and to damage its public interests. In circumstances where an accused device performs the same function recited in the element, and the accused device embodies the corresponding structure, material, or acts described by the specification or an equivalent thereof, if any of the above elements apply, then a claim cannot be broadened. The range of equivalents permitted under the doctrine of equivalents must not ensnare its prior art. The fundamental purpose of all evaluations must prevent the patentee from obtaining, under the doctrine of equivalents, coverage which the patentee could not have obtained by literal claims.

而發明專利權範圍,以申請專利範圍為準;於解釋申請專利範圍時,得審酌說明書及圖式,此乃《專利法》第58條第4項所明文。說明書或圖式中有揭露,但並未記載於專利之請求項的技術手段,非屬專利法所賦予專利權的保護範圍內,專利權人不得以均等論重為主張或復奪(recapture)其原可於專利請求項中申請,卻不申請之技術手段。貢獻原則的意旨便在於,如說明書或圖式中有揭露但未於請求項主張之技術,應被視為貢獻給社會大眾,專利權人不得藉由均等論而重為主張其原可申請卻不申請之技術手段。Patent Law Article 58, Paragraph 4 expressly indicates that the scope of patent right shall be determined based on the claim(s) set forth in the specification of the invention. The descriptions and drawings of the invention may be used as reference when interpreting the scope of claims in the patent application. In terms of the scope of contents which were disclosed in the original specification or drawing while filing the patent application, for claims that are not written in its description, won’t be covered by Patent Law. Such claim cannot be broadened so far as to read on the prior art and a patentee cannot recapture what was given up during the prosecution of the patent. The fundamental purpose is to prevent the patentee to cover its claim which could not have obtained from the Patent and Trademark Office by literal claim to preserve the best interest of public to prevent patentee to expand or alter the scope of patent claims.

誠如國內學術文章已指出,美國最高法院在肯認均等論保護專利範圍的,認為此種不確定性乃是為了保護創新所必要付出的代價的原則之下,惟趨勢上,仍呈現出一股限縮均等論適用之浪潮。主要係均等論的適用會使得申請範圍具有不確定性,難以清楚劃定專利權範圍的界限,容易導致競爭者產生難以預期的訟爭,或者後進者在投入產品生產製照後,對於侵權與否,存有高度的不確定性,造成司法資源有浪費之疑慮。此種趨勢,亦促使我國於「2015年專利侵害要點草案」中,擬納入申請歷史禁反言、先前技術阻卻及貢獻原則等限制均等論之相關規範。According to Taiwan’s scholarly articles indicates that, the US Supreme Court adopted the doctrine of equivalents analysis, despite its uncertainties, it is necessary to preserve its invention by all means. However there appears to have a trend of narrowing the literal scope of the patent claim. The purpose of such is to avoid uncertainties, circumstances where it’s difficult to draw clear lines for the scope of patent claims that would mislead its competitors for unpredictable litigations. To prevent waste of its judicial resources, it is necessary to prevent uncertainties for the later not knowing whether there are any infringements for its manufactured products. Due to this, the “key points on invention patent infringement draft 2015” inherited the prosecution history estoppel and the prior art principles into the rules of doctrine of equivalents.


專利侵害鑑定要點,經濟部智慧財產局,2004年。Intellectual Property Office (2004) Key points on invention patent infringement.

專利侵害鑑定要點草案, 經濟部智慧財產局,2015年。Intellectual Property Office (2015) Key points on invention patent infringement draft. 

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我國發明專利侵害鑑定之方法(中)專利工程師  /  陳詠容

Ways to examine invention patent infringements in Taiwan (2)

Patent Engineer Yung-Zhong Chen


According to the doctrine of equivalents theory, despite the scope of clams is in line with the context, to determine whether such difference is “insubstantial” or not, it is important to figure out the difference between the feature in the accused device and the limitation literally recited in the patent claim. The patent claim may be found to be “insubstantial” only if its technical means and the accused parties perform substantially the different function in a substantial different way with substantial different results. Nevertheless, the doctrine of equivalents analysis is applied to individual claim limitations, not to the invention as a whole. In the United States, there only needs one kind of identity test to come to its conclusion for which the doctrine of equivalent is only considered as claimed of invention which described its purpose that does not directly allow a court to hold a party liable for patent infringement. In Taiwan, the “Key point draft 2015” deleted everything against the doctrine of equivalents theory.


Due to the fact that when interpreting patent claims, there is strict literalism, which cannot reasonably expect patentee to write down all the claims which cannot foreseen when lodging its patent application. Therefore the scope of claim should not be read literally for which a patent literally “reads on” an accused infringer’s device or process rather than looking at its intention. Nevertheless, the expansion of claim coverage is to protect its patentees’ right, would cause the general public not knowing the actual scope of its patent claims in result of uncertainties. Whether there are any patent infringements or not would give rise to its litigation and social costs. Therefore, the doctrines of equivalents would need to narrow the literal scope of the patent claim. By comparing the “key points on invention patent infringement in 2004”, the” key points on invention patent infringement draft 2015”, the expansion of claim coverage permitted the doctrine of equivalents, however the patentee is limited by the doctrine of prosecution history estoppel and the prior art.  

呈上,專利權人於專利申請過程為符合專利申請要件或為維護專利,而所為之修正、更正或申復,導致最後限縮專利權範圍,則專利權人便無法依據均等論主張其於申請專利時無法預見但實質相同的技術特徵。換而言之,該修正、更正或申復將導致放棄的部分,專利權人不得再藉由均等論而重為主張其所放棄之申請標的,此即所謂的歷史禁反言。From the above analysis, for the patentee to fulfill its patent application requirement so as to maintain its patent, it is necessary to amend, correct and response in result of narrowing the scope of claims, patentee cannot claim for something which cannot foresee base on the doctrine of equivalents theory. In other words, patentee who has filed a patent application and then to amend, correct and response its claim by narrowing its amendments to accommodate the patent law, would be precluded from invoking the doctrine of equivalents to broaden the scope of their claims to cover subject matter ceded by the amendments.


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The New Framework of Business Associations in Taiwan

眾律國際法律事務所製作 By Zoomlaw Attorneys-at-Law


1. 閉鎖型公司特色介紹

1. Introducing the Characteristics of Close Company in Taiwan


On 15 th June, 2015, the amendment to Taiwan Company Act is to establish a new category of closely-held company limited by shares as follows:

Close Company’s 7 characteristics

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Introduction the Characteristics of Close Company in Taiwan

眾律國際法律事務所製作 By Zoomlaw Attorneys-at-Law



 On 15th June, 2015, the amendment to Taiwan Company Act is to establish a new category of closely-held company limited by shares as follows:

 I.   閉鎖型公司七大特色 Close Company’s 7 characteristics

出資型態的多樣化diversified investment patterns;

可發行複數特別股possibility to issuing multiple special shares

股東會開會方式及表決權行使大幅簡化to simplify the ways to attend shareholders’ meeting and its voting right;

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食品安全衛生管理法之刑罰規定(下) / 律師 吳英志  總編輯法學博士范國華主持律師







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食品安全衛生管理法之刑罰規定(中) / 律師 吳英志  總編輯法學博士范國華主持律師






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食品安全衛生管理法之刑罰規定(上) / 律師 吳英志     總編輯法學博士范國華主持律師


臺灣自2013年10月起爆發一系列食用油油品風暴後,例如:大統食用油品混攙棉籽油及違法添加銅葉綠素、富味鄉棉籽油調合油品事件、頂新製油屏東廠混摻大統問題油品等,令廣大消費者 不免質疑政府對於食品安全管理事項及違法事項,疏於事前管制監督與事後重罰嚇阻,以致於食品產業為了降低成本牟取暴利,進而挺而走險,陷全民自身健維護於不可預測傷害風險中。為挽回民眾對於政府維護食品安全積極管理與違法嚴懲之決心與信賴,2013年6月19日、2014年2月5日、2014年12月10日、2015年2月4日及2015年12月16日食品安全衛生管理法歷進五次大動作修法工程,期盼透過食品安全衛生管理法令修正與適用,解決上揭因食安風暴所衍生法制問題及嚇阻不肖食品業者僥倖違法行為。





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我國發明專利侵害鑑定之方法(上)專利工程師  /  陳詠容

Ways to examine invention patent infringements in Taiwan (1)

Patent Engineer Yung-Zhong Chen


In order to protect inventor’s intellectual property right, Taiwan’s patent law authorities may grant its patentee, within a considerable period of time, some legal patent rights. Unless otherwise provided in this Act, the patentee of a patented article shall have the exclusive right to preclude others from manufacturing, making an offer to sale, selling, using or importing for above purposes the patented article without his/her prior consent. Patentee can request for damages in pursuant to the “Patent Law” and “Civil Law”. If disputes arises in terms of infringement on an invention patent, both parties can resolve its conflict through litigation, Pursuant to Patent Law Article 103, Paragraph 2(3) in regards to litigation involving an invention patent, the Judicial Yuan may appoint specific professional institution(s) to perform the expert verification work as required in patent infringement case. In order to help to increase the accuracy for specific professional institution(s) to perform the expert verification work as required in patent infringement case(s), the Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Office (“Intellectual Property Office”), may list out all the relevant evidences of invention patent infringements before court.

智財局於2015年草擬的「專利侵害鑑定要點草案」(以下簡稱「2015年要點草案」)中指出,在判斷專利是否有被侵害時,應先解釋專利範圍之文字意義,以合理界定專利權範圍。後比對經文字解釋後之專利技術特徵,及被控侵權對象之技術內容的差別。文字意義解釋的用意在於確認專利是否完全對應表現在被控侵權對象中(文義讀取)。一般常見被控侵權物雖未落入文義讀取的範圍內,惟其僅就其申請專利範圍之技術特徵稍作非實質之改變或替換,基於保障專利權人利益的立場,專利權範圍得擴大至,與專利範圍之技術特徵均等的範圍,而非僅侷限於專利之文義範圍(均等論)。According to the “key points on invention patent infringement draft” (“key point draft 2015”) indicates that in order to examine there is any invention patent infringements, shall understand its literal meaning written in its specifications so as to know what is covered in its claims and the drawings of the application. After having its literal interpretation done on its technical patent and infringement parties’ technical contents of an invention, it is to confirm whether such infringements are truly reflected to the corresponding object (literally). Despite the general infringement has not been written in its specification, if you make some amendments to its claims and the drawings of the application, would protect patentee’s best interest by expanding its clams of specification. By pursuing the doctrine of equivalents would allow a court to hold a party liable for patent infringement despite such infringement does not fall within the literal scope of a patent claim, but can nevertheless be equivalent to the claimed invention (doctrine of equivalents).

我國有部分法院見解在判斷被控侵權物是否落入均等範圍時,已採取美國的三步測試法,比較兩者之間是否以實質相同的手段,達成實質相同的功能,進一步判斷是否產生實質相同的結果。值得注意的是,均等論如被過度廣泛應用,勢必將會與智財局公告的專利保護範圍產生衝突,而法院判決並沒有權利擴大專利局核准的專利範圍。因此,均等論與文義讀取皆應建立在全要件原則的基礎上,專利範圍請求項經智財局公告的專利範圍,都被視為決定專利範圍的重要限制,亦即,申請專利請求項中的技術特徵,均用於比對被控侵權對象。 In order to determine whether such infringement falls into its doctrine of equivalents category, Taiwan adapted United States’ “triple identity” test on whether the accused device performs substantially the same function, in substantially the same way and to yield substantially the same result. However, if the “doctrine of equivalents” is being used widely, conflict may arise with the scope of patent protection made by the Intellectual Property Office. The court may not have the power to expand the scope of the claims and the drawings of the application. Therefore, the “doctrine of equivalents” and its literature should be built on the full requirements. Where the contents of an invention claimed in a patent application are published, would be treated as major decision to restrict the scope of patent claiming. Therefore, the scope of claims shall indicate distinctly on its technical features so as to identify the alleged infringement parties.


專利侵害鑑定要點,經濟部智慧財產局,2004年。Intellectual Property Office (2004) Key points on invention patent infringement.

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